FunCakes FunColours PASTE - SET OF 8 COLOURS -Χρώμα Πάστα - Πολλαπλή συσκευασία με 8 Χρώματα x 30γρ
Χρώματα σε πάστα για να χρωματίζετε εύκολα τη ζαχαρόπαστα, τη βουτυρόκρεμα αλλά και τις ζύμες σας καθώς αντέχουν στο ψήσιμο σε θερμοκρασία έως 200°C
Το σετ περιλαμβάνει τα ακόλουθα χρώματα με τις ακόλουθες μέγιστες ποσότητες
Ιβουάρ: 2,5 g/kg.
Κίτρινο: 12 g/kg.
Ροζ: 25 g/kg.
Κόκκινο: 9 g/kg.
Πράσινο του φύλλου: 14 g/kg.
Βασιλικό Μπλε: 10 g/kg.
Μωβ: 17 g/kg.
Μαύρο: 5 g/kg.
This set contains the following colours: ivory, yellow, pink, red, leaf green, royal blue, violet, black.
Maximum usable dosage:
Ivory: 2,5 g/kg.
Yellow: 12 g/kg.
Pink: 25 g/kg.
Red: 9 g/kg.
Leaf Green: 14 g/kg.
Royal Blue: 10 g/kg.
Violet: 17 g/kg.
Black: 5 g/kg.
The FunCakes FunColours concentrated food colour paste is the perfect colour paste for colouring fondant, marzipan, gum paste, modelling paste and flower paste. And you can also use the colouring to give your creams, such as buttercream and Enchanted Cream® a great colour.
But that is not everything. Give your batter and cookie dough a lovely colour with one of the colour pastes out of this 8-piece set from FunCakes. The colour paste is suitable for baking up to 200°C.
Instructions for use: use a cocktail stick to take some gel from the jar. Use a clean stick every time you add more colouring and wipe it on your marzipan or fondant. For a deeper colour, simply add more gel. Knead well to colour evenly, knead less for a marbled effect. Make sure the gel stays in the middle of the mass to prevent your hands getting covered in colour. Wash your hands with warm water and soap to clean the colour off your hands.
May contain traces of: milk, soy and sulphite. This product is: Kosher certified, Halal certified
Storage: store in a cool, dry place (15°C-20°C).
Content: 8 jars of 30 gram.