Karen Davies BRUSH EMBROIDERY -Καλούπι σιλικόνης Κεντητά Λουλούδια
Ενα καταπληκτικό καλούπι με 12 διαφορετικά σχέδια, ιδανικά για τούρτες, μπισκότα και cupcakes. Το καλούπι περιλαμβάνει 10 σχέδια λουλουδιών και 2 σχέδια φύλλων. Διάσταση καλουπιού 21Χ12εκ. περίπου.
Creating brush embroidery and bas relief designs was never this easy! This mould from Karen Davies gives you 12 detailed designs that are great for cakes, cupcakes and cookies. The mould contains 10 flower designs and 2 leaf designs. Great for wedding cakes!
The Karen Davies mould is flexible and made of high quality silicon.
Instructions: Knead your marzipan or fondant well. Mix the fondant if necessary with some tylo powder. Make a ball and press the marzipan or fondant from inside to outside well into the mould. Remove the shape from the mould. If necessary, the mould powder with a little corn starch in advance what the fondant/marzipan easier to solve.
Wash and thoroughly dry your mould before use.
Size mold: approx. 21 x 12 cm.